Sunday, September 13, 2009

Free traffic

Traffic Blueprint 2.0
Your Step By Step Guide To Server Crushing Traffic
By Gary Ruplinger
Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved
I want to welcome you to the version 2.0 of the Ultimate Traffic Blueprint.
I first wrote the original Ultimate Traffic Blueprint back in 2006, and the fact that it took me until late in 2008 to write and update says two things – 1) I'm kinda lazy and 2) that the strategies used in the original really were the long term traffic generation strategies I promised they would be.
In version 2.0, you're going to find some old favorites from the original with a few important twists that make them more effective now and going forward from here. (Ideally, I won't have to update this again until 2010, we'll see how that goes.)
I've also added a few new tricks that you'd be silly not to be taking advantage of if you're a fan of free traffic. (Seriously, is there anybody out there who doesn't like free traffic?)
The origin story of the Ultimate Traffic Blueprint
I'm certainly not going to claim that I'm the world's foremost authority on driving traffic – I'm sure there are a few out there far better than I am. However, I do have a certain knack for getting free traffic.
The reason I became an expert on free traffic was that I learned quickly I wasn't very good at Adwords and PPC. I was great at spending a lot of money with Adwords, but that whole making money from my Adwords traffic eluded me. It was either quite trying to make it online or learn how to get traffic other ways – I'm sure you can guess which I chose. (If you ever get a chance to meet me, you'd know that I'm really not the 9-5 job type.)
Anyway, I was sitting in a conference room in New York City back in 2006, and I had a bit of a revelation. I knew why people were struggling to get traffic to their websites. Basically, everyone was treating this idea of getting like it was something you did once and then moved on. Most people would build a website, get a few links to that site and then move along. They'd come back a few months later and look at their stats and wonder what the heck was going on.
Worse still, people would get themselves into using just one way to drive traffic to their websites. There was no diversity in their plans.
Enter the Ultimate Traffic Blueprint…
I wrote the original Ultimate Traffic Blueprint to be a multi-pronged approach to getting free search engine traffic quickly.
In version 2.0 I still talk a lot about getting free search engine traffic since that's some valuable stuff, but I've also branched out a bit and talk about some other awesome sources of free traffic.
Version 2.0 is designed to serve as your step by step blueprint to driving a lot of traffic to your site. I've simplified the process, and I've added some tools that I personally use that will make your life a whole lot easier, but I want to be clear here – this is not a magic bullet.
If you do absolutely nothing with this information, it will do nothing for you. I know that's the danger you run into when you give information away for free – people feel that the information is worth what they paid for it.
So if you'll do me a favor and pretend you paid $1,000 this info, and actually promise to give it a try, I guarantee you'll like the results you get.
Good – let's get started.
The Ultimate Traffic Blueprint 2.0 is based on six cornerstones to driving traffic. You'll eventually pick your favorites to driving traffic, but I'd recommend you really give all of them a try. These methods may be effective when used alone, but it's not until you start combining these methods that you're really going to see your traffic stats go up.
And one last thing, I've got a few tools that I'm recommending you use for the purpose of leverage. I've tried to make this version a whole lot easier to follow and execute, but that meant adding in some tools that aren’t free. They're optional, of course, it's just that I've found them to be worthwhile and they allow me to save a lot of time. Okay, so please don't whine about that… thanks.
Without further adieu, let's get started…
Article Marketing
Article marketing was all the rage back in 2006. Everybody and their brother was telling you why you needed to use articles in your free traffic efforts. It also
seemed like everybody and their brother also had an article directory. And the advice was good advice – the bottom line was that it worked.
However, it was a bit of a victim of its own success, and people started to abuse article marketing – spamming article directories with crappy nonsense articles just for the links and search engine rankings.
As you might imagine, Google frowns upon such things and suddenly links from article directories had little value.
There was also an issue with many services that would take your article and distribute it to hundreds of different article directories. At first, these services worked like gangbusters since one article could turn into hundreds or even thousands of links to your website, but the main issue was that each article was exactly the same, which meant that the search engines came to consider them duplicate content. So while you may have hundreds of links pointing to your site, the search engines dramatically reduced the value of those links (they still count a little, just not a lot).
So now that we have that little history lesson out of the way, let's talk about why you still want to use it, and just how the heck we're going to use it to get maximum value from it in the here and now.
Quality Counts
When it comes to writing an article, quality counts. A good article can get you more than just links to your site. It can get you coverage from a newspaper, opportunities to write for prestigious newsletters in your niche, and JV opportunities. A well written article can position you as an expert on the subject. A poorly written article will do the opposite.
And I'm going to say the same thing when it comes to hiring writers to create your articles for you. I've seen people say that you should never pay more than $5 for an article – I've seen a lot of people say that. I've tried it myself and I can tell you that, in general, $5 articles are crap.
I take a different approach to hiring writers. I try to find writers who have an interesting and conversational style of writing (somewhat similar to the overall tone of this report) who have some knowledge of the topic I want them to write about. I don't want my articles to put people to sleep. Yes, I spend more than $5 on each article I have written, but my approach is that if you have an interesting article, that's going to make the reader a heck of a lot more likely to follow your link when they get done reading your article. Translation: more traffic = more money. Savvy?
Try it for yourself – write great articles and watch how much more mileage you get from those articles. You don't have to take my word for it.
There are probably thousands of article directories out there now and they're all saying how they'll provide you with one way links if you submit your article to them. The only problem is that most of them get absolutely no traffic and a link from their website is going to provide you with very little value. There are a few services that claim they'll distribute your article to all these services for a small fee. That's awfully nice of these services, but the bottom line is that they're still spitting out a lot of duplicate content, and that's not going to be all that helpful.
So here's why I'm going to recommend you do.
If you're going to spend your time submitting articles to article directories, the only one you need to spend your time submitting your articles to is Watch your traffic stats and notice how you actually get traffic from their site. They're by far the most popular article directory on the planet, and their website gets a lot of traffic.
Now you could continue and submit your article to a whole bunch of article directories manually, changing the article a little each time to battle this whole "duplicate content" issue, but I'm going to assume you value your time. Trust me, that's mind numbingly boring work.
So let's talk about a tool that's going to help us get a lot of mileage from our article and it's going to solve the duplicate content issue as well. It's called Unique Article Wizard. Here's the basic gist of how it works. Your provide them with an article you've rewritten a few different times, and they'll spin it into hundreds of different unique articles and then submit it to article directories for you. Each article is different so you don't have to deal with that nasty little issue of duplicate content. It's really a brilliant piece of software. Once you get the hang of it, it's about a 30-45 minute process to submit an article, but you're getting a lot out of that one article. It's worth it.
Now if you've ever used any piece of "spinning" software you know that most of this stuff is garbage and the content it produces is garbage. This is not one of those cases. The articles aren't quite as perfect as the original, but they still flow nicely and still make perfect sense to the end reader (very important – submitting junk to article directories is bad news).
Prime Real Estate – The Resource Box
Your resource box or “about the author” box is your most important piece of real estate when submitting your article. This is your chance to get those one way links to inner pages of your sites. These inner links are extremely important. It helps give your site a more natural incoming linking structure, which is extremely important to search engines, especially Google. Yes, they want to see that you have links, and the more the better, but they want to see links pointing to inner pages (i.e. not the homepage) of your site.
Let me give you an example I used for a site I recently sold on the topic of pet snakes:
Non HTML version:
Gary Ruplinger is the owner of Boatips, a site providing great information about pet snakes. To learn more about snake care, visit us at and be sure to check out the rest of the site, as well.
HTML Version (you'll almost exclusively use an HTML version):
Gary Ruplinger is the owner of, a site providing information about pet snakes. To learn more about snake care, and to learn about brazilian rainbow boas, visit us.
To see the entire article, and what I did, go to
At the time of this writing, the site above was in the top 3 on Google for the term “snake care." For the term “Brazilian rainbow boas” it’s number 1.
Since you’ll be doing multiple articles, be sure to change which inner pages you link to, and to change the anchor text you’re using to link to your site. For example, for my snake site above I’d use terms like “snake tips,” “tips about snakes,” “learn about pet snakes,” “snake videos,” and other similar terms when linking to my site. By varying the anchor text, it makes the links look more natural to the search engines. Think about it, if you asked 50 different friends to link to your site about widgets, some would just link post the URL, i.e.; others would say visit my friend’s “widget site”; some would say “click here,” – you get the point. Remember, variety is the spice of life.
Your resource box can be used for more than just links. That’s the primary reason people use them, but you can use this as an opportunity to drive people to your newsletter signup page or to a page with a review of a product you’re an affiliate of that’s related to the topic of your article, or even to generate leads. And since you’re allowed at least two links in your resource box, why not use one of those links to send people reading your article to a page to help build your list.
Those are the basics of getting traffic to your site using articles.
Let's move on to another fun method…
You're probably going to think I've got ADD or something when you try to follow along in this section, and I'm cool with that so long as you do follow along. I've got a whole bunch to talk about under the guise of "blogging." It seems that every time I start talking about blogging, I can just keep going and going like the energizer bunny. When I recorded my link building course, Mission Unlinkable, the video on blogging was by far the longest (almost 100 minutes), and I didn't even get talk about some of the stuff I'll be yappin' about here.
Lucky for you, I'm not nearly as long winded when typing. In fact, I'm only going to cover the most time effective ways to using blogging as a means of increasing your traffic.
Your Blog
Just about every website could have a blog on it. If you don't have one already on your site, just go to and download their software – it's free.
Many web hosting providers have software installed so that it can be automatically installed so you don't have to know how to do anything. For example, if your hosting providers has cPanel installed, then just click on Fantastico and you can automatically have Wordpress installed.
Once you've got that blog installed, now what? Well, start posting. Blogging can actually be a lot of fun. A blog is a more personal, more conversational way to communicate with your website's visitors. Don't be afraid to tell stories, heck, just a recently I wrote about how I got beat up by a girl. Try to keep your posts entertaining. The biggest mistake I see people making when they start blogging is that they are dreadfully boring.
Once you've got your blog setup, I recommend that you try to post on a daily basis at first – even multiple times a day if you can.
The search engines just love blogs so your content will get spidered quickly and having a blog that is updated frequently will help improve your search engine rankings.
Other Peoples Blogs
You'd be hard pressed to find a niche where there aren't any blogs. And you remember how I said that when you start getting a following on your blog, people start participating and how that builds content for you? Well, now we're going to reverse that for the purpose of getting links. Most blogs will allow you to stick a URL in with your comment. So when you comment on someone else's blog you get a link back to your website.
Now there has been plenty of abuse in this department so don't go spamming other peoples' blogs with comments that are clearly just there for the purpose of getting a link. Add to the discussion or ask a question. Read the blog post
your're actually commenting on. I realize this takes a bit more work, but I've had several bloggers add me to their blogroll after noticing my site in their comments, and the blogroll link is far more valuable than a blog comment link.
And I know there are some of you out there who are pretty savvy when it comes to linking and you're going to say that since nearly all blogs have the NoFollow tag enabled on their blogs that blog comment links are worthless. If you're going to be like that, give this a try: Don't use any of the other methods in this blueprint for two weeks to build links. Just go out everyday and find three to five related blogs and post relevant and useful comments in blogs that are in niches related to yours. If you're too lazy to do that, then I'll just tell you that you'll have more traffic.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about in the above paragraph, don't lose any sleep over it, it's not that important. Just google "nofollow tag" and you'll get it.
And sites like Google and Technorati make it really easy to find blogs you can comment on. Simply go to or and type in a keyword in your niche. Then just go to the blogs that come up and find a post where you can post a useful reply. Easy, right? So easy a caveman could do it.
Blog Networks
There are networks of blogs out there that will for a fee post about your website and will basically say whatever you want them to say (positive stuff, neutral, or negative stuff) about you and they'll also use the exact anchor text you want them to use when pointing to your site.
This can be a great source for high quality one way links to your website.
I've tried out a few, and there are two that I've used that I've seen good results with. The first is a service called In this case all you need to do is tell them what page you want them to write about and what anchor text you want them to use. You pay them and they'll have their bloggers (these are real blogs with real content on them) write about your site. It's easy, effective, but a little pricey if you have a lot of sites.
The other service I've been using with excellent results is called This service is a monthly subscription and allows you unlimited links. Basically, you write a short blog post about your site and you send it to them and they'll put it up on their network. In this case you have complete control about what the post says since you wrote it. They also offer a service where they'll have their team of writers write the posts for you for $2/post. Either way, it's a service I do recommend you at least consider. I've tripled traffic to a few of my websites using this service exclusively – no other link building was used. It's optional, of
course, I just happen to think it's extremely useful especially if you have several websites –
This is my favorite new addition to the Ultimate Traffic Blueprint 2.0. And I'll be perfectly honest with ya – if you're not using video these days, you're bat shit crazy!
The writing on the wall, and it's pretty clear… "for a good time call 867-VIDEO."
There are certain niches where you can still get away without using it, but those days are numbered so you may as well get started.
Of course, I think most marketers oversimplify video a bit. They basically say, "just use video and no matter what you're gonna get gazillions of people to come visit your site."
And that probably helps them sell a lot of whatever they're selling, but that's not entirely accurate.
For example, I've seen these services that will take an article you wrote and read it while putting up a couple slides and say how their service is the coolest thing ever.
How many people do you think actually want to watch a video like that?
Let me put it this way – are you going to watch that video, visit that person's site, and spend your money there?
Probably not.
So let's talk about the salient elements that go into making videos that are going to result in you getting more traffic and ultimately getting more money.
Distributing your video
Million dollar businesses have been built using Youtube alone as the only video site you use, but with so many other video sites out there looking for your videos, you may as well upload them to those other sites too.
The issue becomes the time it takes to upload a video over and over again. It's a tedious job and not one that's really worth your time. Instead, I recommend you use a video distribution service to get your videos on multiple sites. This way you only have to upload your video once and they take care of the multiple uploads from their end.
My favorite service for distributing video across 25 or so different video sharing sites is Traffic Geyser. It's not the cheapest option on the block so you may want to wait until you've got some money coming in before you use it, but it's something I do recommend once you do. In the meantime, just focus on getting your videos uploaded to Google since it's by far the biggest video sharing sites on the planet.
Getting Started
I did a video a couple years ago about the basic stuff you will want for shooting videos. You can watch that here [insert link]. My recommended setup involves having an actual video camera with a tripod, but you can get away with a cheap Flip Cam or even a decent Webcam (The Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 is awesome and cheap) – I've seen a lot of people who use the one built into their Mac and they do just fine. The technical stuff to doing video really isn't that important – if you're digital camera shoots video, you've got enough to get started.
The more difficult thing for most people is actually getting up and talking in front of a camera.
But even if you're going to completely refuse to put yourself on camera, you don’t have to eschew video completely. In fact, you can still make plenty of cool videos using screen capture software. Basically, instead of recording a video of yourself you can record a video of whatever you happen to be doing on your computer screen. These types of videos work great for demonstrating how to use just about any type of software, making affiliate videos, and even for presentations using PowerPoint.
The screen capture software I recommend is Camtasia by Techsmith. It'll cost you about $350 but it's worth every penny. If 350 clams is a bit out of your budget, then you can get a free program called Camstudio – it lacks the bells and whistles of Camtasia but it's good enough to help you get started. If you're a Mac user, get a program called Screenflow.
So there you have it – several easy ways to get started with video. Now get out there and start using video – I'm serious.
Press Releases
I used to say that using press releases were one of the most feared methods for promoting a website. These days I'd say it depends on the person. Yes, people are still damn scared of these things, but some people find video far more frightening.
Whether or not you're scared of them (fraidy cat), you're going to want to use them. The bottom line is that they're a great way to get traffic to your website.
I think that most people think that when submitting a press release they're going to end up talking to a bunch of journalists and TV people and that scares them. Honestly, that's not too likely to happen when submitting an online press release. It's possible and if it happens its awesome but in most cases you're not going to need to conduct a bunch of in depth interviews.
I hope that helps take some of the pressure about writing press releases off, and that you'll actually use them.
The cool thing about press releases is that it helps you get immediate traffic and you'll get to see your press release show up in Google and Yahoo News. The long term value is that the links you get from the press release sites are valuable – for some reason Google seems to give higher than normal link value to links coming from press release sites. So while you get immediate search engine traffic in the short term, you also get long term traffic in terms of improved search engine rankings. It's a win win.
Now let's talk about how to actually go about writing a press release. Basically your goal is to announce something new on your site (heck, it could be announcing a cool new article you wrote and put on your blog). The idea here is that you're not writing an article. You're also not writing a sales letter. You're trying to write just like a reporter. You'll want to stick to writing in the third person and you'll want your press release to have an unbiased tone. A press release is not an advertisement or editorial. What I recommend you do is if you want to learn how to write a press release, just visit and read their tips on the subject. Then read the press releases on their site – find one your like and mimic that.
Oh, and be sure you include your full contact information on a press release – you never know who might stumble across your press release that will want to contact you.
I'd recommend that if your site is important to you (i.e. not a throwaway domain) you use the $200 service from at least once. However, services from and will perform well and are far cheaper so don't fret if the $200 price tag is too much for your budget right now – just go with the cheaper option.
It used to be that directories were the way to get your site high in the search engines. You’d go to Yahoo and say, “Hey, I have a website, you should list it.”
They would, and you’d have traffic. It’s not quite so simple these days, but submitting your site to directories should be a part of any traffic building campaign.
Now most directories get so little traffic that the actual traffic you receive from that directory is negligible, if any. However, what you’re after here are links. Directories help round out a nice diverse link building strategy. And remember, search engines like to see link diversity.
DMOZ and Yahoo Directory
I want to cover the big two directories right away, since when a person says directory, usually one of these two names will pop into their head. And when it comes to getting high rankings for a website, you’ll almost certainly see that sites holding number 1 positions for competitive and semi-competitive terms are listed in at least one, if not both, of these important directories.
Yahoo Directory is the oldest directory on the Internet, and likely one of the most trusted. In fact, Yahoo didn’t used to be a search engine at all – they were a directory. When you went to search for a website on, the results you got were actually the listings from the directory. Now those results are served up by Yahoo’s search engine, but the directory still exists, and having a link in Yahoo’s directory can be a major boost to your search engine ranking for your entire site.
Getting into Yahoo’s directory is relatively simple especially when compared to the next one – DMOZ. If you’re a non-commercial site, the listing is free. If you’re reading this report; however, you’re probably looking to make some money with your site. Yahoo charges $299 to review your site for inclusion, and if your site is included, it’s $299/yr. The $299 fee does not guarantee inclusion, but it does guarantee they will review your site within 2 business days and get back to you in that time. If you want to make sure that your site is actually included, just make sure your site isn’t doing anything shady, is actually providing unique and useful content, and if you have AdSense running on your site I’d recommend taking it down for the review process.
The other major directory most people know about is or the Open Directory Project. A listing in the DMOZ directory may be even more valuable than a link from the Yahoo Directory, and a listing on DMOZ is free. That’s the good news. The bad news – it’s become notoriously difficult to get your site listed. The process can take several months. There is no paid option to get your site reviewed quickly, or even to guarantee your site gets reviewed at all. DMOZ is run by volunteers. Each category has an editor, and the criteria each editor looks for is different. And for some categories, the editor may decide that there are already plenty of good sites, and that no more are necessary for that category, so no matter how good your site is, they won’t include it.
Frustrating? Definitely!
But there is hope.
Here’s probably your best option. Start with the broad category your site fits into. Let’s say your site is about plants. You’d start with the “Shopping” category. Then you’d go to Home and Garden. To the right of the home and garden category, you’d see a number of over 12,000, which means there are over 12,000 websites that fall into that category. Your goal is to find a category with very few listings in it.
In this case, one that has very few listings is the annuals category with 6 as of this writing. Now if your site isn’t specifically about annuals, don’t submit your site to that category just yet. ODP editors are very picky and will not approve your site if it’s not exactly on topic. So what you’d do is devote an entire section of your website to annuals. You’d want to go and look at all 6 sites included in the directory currently, look for commonalities, and then try to determine where improvements can be made. Then make those improvements on the annuals section of your website. Don’t try to cut too many corners here. You need to show your site is worthy of being included among the sites already listed.
And when you do submit your site, submit the section on annuals, not your homepage. Does this guarantee you’ll be accepted? Nope, but it does give you your best shot.
Other Major Directories
Can’t afford Yahoo yet? Still waiting on DMOZ? Here are some other important directories that you can pay to be included in that are well worth their application fee:
Directories – All The Rest
Now that I’ve covered the two big directories and several of the other major directories, let’s cover the rest of the directories that are easy to get into and that are free to get into. There are a lot of directories out there, thousands, if not tens of thousands of directories willing to provide you a link, you just have to submit your site to them.
There are a lot of pieces of software out there that claim to submit your site to directories for you, but in my experience, they are mostly a waste of time. Mostly, you end up getting a lot of spam and very few links if any. Directory submission is a job best done manually, despite the fact that it requires a lot more work. Also, if possible, submit your site with an email address that is the same as the domain you are submitting. You’ll see more approvals that way. For example on my site, I used the email address, for submitting my site to the directories. And set up an email address solely for directory submissions so you can just delete it later because you're likely to get some spam at that email address.
One other tip, if you have AdSense on your site it’s advisable to remove the ads during the period when you are submitting your site to the directories (or at least take it off the homepage) if you want to maximize the number of sites that approve your listing.
Once your budget allows, this is one of the first items I’d outsource. Submitting to article directories can tend to be a bit tedious. Just keep in mind, you tend to get what you pay for, so opting for the cheapest service you can find may not be your best bet. Always test and track to see who’s providing you with the best results. Just Google "directory submission services" and you'll have options aplenty. I generally like submission packages in the 300-500 submissions range, but go for what's in your budget.
Link Exchanges?
I get asked often enough about link exchanges so I figured I'd include a little bit about them here. A straight link exchange isn't terribly valuable these days, and some of them can actually hurt your rankings temporarily since they send so many links to your site all at once. I have quit using them myself. There are some link exchange programs out there that use 3 way links that have had good results. However, the problem is that if you stop paying your monthly fee, the links go away. To me that feels like I'm just leasing links and I hate leasing links. Most link exchanges if done on a small scale aren't going to hurt your rankings, and some do help rankings. Personally, however, I no longer use them so it's up to you if you'd like to put one up.
Your 6 month guide to building traffic
Getting started with the Ultimate Traffic Blueprint 2.0 is the hardest part. You probably don't have a ton of traffic yet, and here I am giving you all this work to do. And I'll be honest with you, a couple weeks may go by and your traffic stats may look dramatically different. Don't worry, that's normal. It is not time to give up.
Once you do get started though you're going to notice what's known as the snowball effect. You remember those days when you were a kid and you'd go
out to build a snowman, and getting that first snowball built seemed like it took forever and it was a lot of work to get that thing going. Then once you had the ball rolling, it kept getting bigger and bigger with every roll and suddenly it was so big you couldn't even move it anymore. That's kind of how using this step by step guide is going to work. You're going to feel like you're not making any progress at first and then *boom* the traffic is going to start rolling in.
I've got your first month mapped out for you on what you should be doing on a daily basis. (And in this version, you get weekends off – apparently I've mellowed out a bit in the past two years because the last version had you working every day!) Once we get past the first month, I'll give you some ideas on what to do each week, but you can pick when they actually get done. Heck, do them all on the same day if you want. It'll still work.
The Ultimate Traffic Blueprint 2.0 Action Plan
Day 0: Depending on if you outsource or decide to do the work yourself, day 0 may actually be a week or so long. Here is where you get your articles written, get some accounts on social bookmarking sites, install link exchange software, and get your list of directories to submit to ready. I didn’t put any of the major directory submissions in the timeline. The sooner the better, but if you haven’t yet developed the content for your DMOZ submission, then wait until you’re ready.
Day 1: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 2: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 3: Submit Your First Press Release
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 4: Submit to 300-500 directories (I recommend outsourcing this as it can be tedious, but if you have more time than money, then go ahead and do it yourself)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 5: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 6: Take a day off ☺
Day 7: Take a day off ☺
Day 8: Comment on 5 related blogs (alternative: use and write 5 posts for their system)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 9: Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 10: Post in 5 related forums
Day 11: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 12: Post in 5 related forums
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 13: Take a day off ☺
Day 14: Take a day off ☺
Day 15: Comment on 5 related blogs
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 16: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 17: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 18: Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 19: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 20: Take a day off ☺
Day 21: Take a day off ☺
Day 22: Comment on 5 related blogs
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 23: (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 24: Post on 5 related forums
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 25: Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 26: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 27: Take a day off ☺
Day 28: Take a day off ☺
Day 29: Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other videos sites
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Day 30: Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Write a blog post or add an article to your website
Month 2
Week 1:
Submit your second press release.
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 2:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 3:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 4:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Month 3
Week 1:
Submit your third press release.
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 2:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 3:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 4:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Month 4
Week 1:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 2:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 3:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 4:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Month 5
Week 1:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 2:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 3:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 4:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Month 6
Week 1:
Submit a press release
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 2:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 3:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
Week 4:
Submit 1 article (EzineArticles & UAW)
Record a video and upload it to Youtube and other video sites
Comment on 5 related blogs or post in 5 related forums or use Linksvana for 5 posts.
Continue updating your website on a regular basis either by adding new posts to your blog or by adding articles to your website.
By this time, you’ll certainly be seeing more traffic, and unless you’re in the most competitive of industries, you’ll be seeing a lot more traffic. A 10x increase in traffic is not uncommon. But now the important thing is to keep that traffic flowing.
To keep your traffic going up:
Submit 2 articles per month – one on day 15, one on day 30. Remember to keep the focus on quality articles.
Do 1 press release per quarter.
Record at least 1 video a week.
Keep posting on related blogs, forums, or use the Linksvana system for getting blog links.
Get Started
I hope you've enjoyed reading this report. Now's the time to get out there and actually get started. This stuff flat out works, and if you use it, you will see results.
So in the immortal words of Nike, "Just Do It."
Gary Ruplinger
(402) 408-9888
Fax (775) 923-9866
P.S. Feel free to share this report with anyone you feel will gain value from it simply by sending your friends and colleagues to or by sharing your report with them.
Feedback – Questions – Comments – Grievances
Send me an email at – I’ll look forward to hearing from you. And if you have any suggested improvements, please let me know.

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